Ok, ok…I get the hint.
Many people have asked if I would put together a kit to make bath bombs. So I did. Here ya go. Note that the kit does not include molds, because I don’t have a supplier. And if I had to charge for driving around to find them at craft stores, then paying retail…well, nobody wants […]
Instructable on molds up
I’ve just put my “how to make soap molds” up at Instructables. Feel free to visit and vote. 😉 Of course, the original instructions are here.
When the world interferes
Sorry about the lack of content this week. Not only did my blog blow up, but one of my potties did too, so there’s been much running around trying to fix it, then rip up the carpets, level and float the floor, find tile, and soon…lay tile. It’s been keeping me busy doing things which […]
Default…I hate default
So, the only way I can seem to get the site working is to use the default permalink structure…which sucks, as it makes the site significantly less search engine friendly. My poor server guys, who don’t support WP, have been so helpful, but WP really seems to dislike IIS, which is what we’re using because […]
Testing, 123
Well, trying multiple themes and reinstalling has not fixed the problem. I think it’s possible my database is corrupted, and I may have to delete it and start all over. Hopefully, the WP export works and I’ll be able to restore all the content easily. I dunno. Comments now seem to be broken, the more […]
Dammit Beavis
So, I upgraded to WP 2.6, and it seems to have blown a ton of things up. I can’t fix it this morning, as I already have commitments. I’ll try to get it fixed later tonight. In the meantime, I’ll take all the “More” tags off, so content is still there. Sorry that this will […]
How To: Make a small batch of traditional soap
Working with small batches is often trickier than doing the huge batches I often do. But doing small batches lets you get all kinds of creative. Best of all, if you make a mistake, you’re not tossing out hundreds of dollars in materials. It’s fairly easy to “rebatch” a mistake batch when it’s a small […]