PMS Essential Remedies
Don’t you hate those mornings when none of your clothes fit, everyone is driving you up a wall and you could crochet chain mail from the Dove wrappers scattered around your comfy chair? Yeah….PMS sucks. This morning, after threatening to sell my small child to the gypsies…and his little dog too…I realized that perhaps I […]
Are boutique soapmakers doomed?
The past decade has seen an explosion of small, independent soap, fragrance and cosmetics companies emerge from the kitchens and basements of America. Creative entrepreneurs have conjured up a myriad of offerings from bath fizzies to sugar scrubs and spa products to mineral makeup. All of those products were introduced to the market by small […]
Natural sunburn remedies
Now is the season when one tends to overdo it in the sun. (For those of my friends who wear a lot of black and hiss when people open the drapes, the sun is that evil daystar thing.) There are tons of products on the drugstore shelves for sunburn, but an extraordinary amount of them […]