Bioplastics and the Skincare Market
With sustainable packaging rapidly becoming a priority for cosmetics companies, the buzz is around renewable and eco-friendly materials like bioplastics. However, Sterling Anthony, a packaging consultant who gave a presentation this month’s HBA conference in New York suggests that just because bioplastics are deemed to be biodegradeable does not make investment in them automatically a […]
Secondary Packaging – The Silent Killer of the Environment
As a small manufacturer that ships a physical product, I’m always concerned about my ecology footprint when it comes to shipping. That’s also true for products that are being shipped in. For instance, if I have the choice of two vendors, and one has shipped products using polystyrene pellets, and the other has used post […]
Bath Bombs around the world
It looks like Craftzine has picked up the bath bombs meme. Bath bombs for everyone!
Lipstick Bungle: An interview with Stacy Malkan, co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Beauty, they say, is only skin deep. But given the load of toxic chemicals in everyday products like shampoo, deodorant, and makeup, that superficial truth is still cause for concern. With increasing frequency, studies point to hidden dangers in the medicine cabinet: things like lead in lipstick, phthalates in baby lotions, aluminum in deodorant. While […]
Igor gets book learnin’
So, you may have noticed a tiny decrease in content this week. It’s because Igor starts school next week. Were he going into the local school district, he’d be starting kindergarten. He got in to the gifted and talented program, but I just couldn’t get behind the whole “no talking in the halls, no talking […]
Pangea Organics Partners with HSN
Boulder, CO-based naturals brand Pangea Organics has partnered with the Home Shopping Network (HSN) in a distribution deal. “This partnership comes at an incredible time for us. As you know, Pangea strives to educate consumers on the benefits of organic skincare for the health of people and the planet. What better way to do this […]
Wow, thanks everyone
ZOMG! My Bath Bombs instructable came in 22 out of 14,000 to go in the The Best of Instructables Volume I. Thanks everyone who voted!